Cursing a blank screen? Staring stupidly at a camera not sure what to say? Most of us have been there.
But that doesn’t have to be you.
There’s one habit you can build that will give you an endless supply of ideas, exactly when you need them.
What usually happens
You had that great idea. You thought you’d remember, right? But did you? Nope.
If you squint, you can barely see your idea in the distance, hazily waving goodbye as it disappears, taking all its potential with it. Then, POOF, it’s gone.
Most of us are all too familiar with that feeling. It’s kind of like FOMO, only instead of doing something because we’re afraid we’ll miss out, we know we’re missing out. That idea will never come to fruition because you didn’t save it.
Make an idea stash so you never have that feeling again.
Never be stuck for a topic idea
Content ideas don’t spring from thin air, even if it seems that way sometimes. As you’ve probably experienced, ideas come from exploration and rumination, and often surface when you’re not actively thinking about “the thing.”
A systematic process to save your awesome content ideas when you have them and retrieve them when you need them is the foundation of consistent content creation.
It’s not just for big ideas, either. Little stories happen to us every day, and they can be a gold mine for emails and social media posts. But only if you save them!
Capture your ideas so you can retrieve them when it’s time to plan content
Grab all your ideas; the good, the brilliant, the bad and the downright ugly. Stash them all because it’s hard to tell the good from the bad in the moment.
In this resource you’ll find:
- What to look for in an app so you can access your idea stash no matter where you are
- Some suggestions for apps and the one I recommend
- Basic idea capture system
- How to organize your ideas so they’re easy to find and use
- When to do a quick save and when to make notes
- Why to incorporate a regular sweep-up session
What else you get
- The Creative Blender newsletter. Keep up with all the latest techniques, tactics, and tools to plan the right mix and follow through with your content marketing strategy.
- Early access to special offers.